+2 Jataras in Nepali Media: Flood of Advertisements and Advertorials

By Harsha Man Maharjan

This is time of SLC result. And the festival of + 2. Every newspaper is full of advertisements of these colleges. Today's The Himalayan Times (16 July 2007) published supplement of eight pages devoting these colleges.

Magazines are not exception. Himal Khabar Patrika, a Nepali fortnightly magazine of year 17 vol.6 (no. 188) has earmarked about 40 pages on +2 as special report. It contain about 20 advertorials of 20 colleges.

Samaya, a weekly magazine did same in its no. 164. It has published 23page cover story on +2s. It included about 7 advertorials and some features which were similar to advertorials.
Getting advertisement of colleges is good for media sector. I know this is time for these media to earn money.

Is it good for readers? This question arises.

Going through the content of these media related to +2 businesses in Nepal, I must say they are critical to unhealthy competition and jhuth ko kheeti or crop of falsehood being done by these colleges through advertisements. But they can show no guts to pin point the wrong doers. Going through Chhalphal (year 25, vol. 39) I found it more critical than those magazines and daily papers.

I think this is the result of the money these media get from these advertisements and advertorials.


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