Nepal Army’s PR Material in Kantipur TV
By Harsha Man Maharjan
People blame Nepal Army for its weak public relations. This scenario is changing these days. People of Pili, Kalikot are thankful to the army for building a road. It seems that these people will never forget the army’s contribution. The road will make their life easy. There is no doubt.
Here my concern is on another thing. These days my exam is going on and I am immersed in it. I had hardly time for other activities. Yet I managed time to watch a talk program of Kantipur TV, Bahas during my exam.
On April 21, 2007 I was surprised to see a documentary on the bravery of the Nepal Army, I place of Bahas. I was a wee bit late and missed the beginning part. I didn’t know the reason of this. Even earlier some times other programs took Bahas’s place.
The documentary was about the army’s ability to construct road. All people were praising the army’s deed. Rukmanga Kattuwal was doing the same.
While watching the program, I thought that it might be the footage of Kantipur TV. Actually Nepal Army made this documentary. This was shown in the end of the program. It was a public relation material to upgrade the army’s image.
What was the motive of the Kantipur TV behind showing this documentary? Was it used as a filler only to fill time? Or, was it the planned program of the Nepal Army? Had KTV any axe to grind through this documentary? Questions remain.
People blame Nepal Army for its weak public relations. This scenario is changing these days. People of Pili, Kalikot are thankful to the army for building a road. It seems that these people will never forget the army’s contribution. The road will make their life easy. There is no doubt.
Here my concern is on another thing. These days my exam is going on and I am immersed in it. I had hardly time for other activities. Yet I managed time to watch a talk program of Kantipur TV, Bahas during my exam.
On April 21, 2007 I was surprised to see a documentary on the bravery of the Nepal Army, I place of Bahas. I was a wee bit late and missed the beginning part. I didn’t know the reason of this. Even earlier some times other programs took Bahas’s place.
The documentary was about the army’s ability to construct road. All people were praising the army’s deed. Rukmanga Kattuwal was doing the same.
While watching the program, I thought that it might be the footage of Kantipur TV. Actually Nepal Army made this documentary. This was shown in the end of the program. It was a public relation material to upgrade the army’s image.
What was the motive of the Kantipur TV behind showing this documentary? Was it used as a filler only to fill time? Or, was it the planned program of the Nepal Army? Had KTV any axe to grind through this documentary? Questions remain.