Who Cares of Others ?

By Harsha Man Maharjan

Do you believe somebody loves 48 hour per week load shedding in Kirtipur, a historical place in Kathmandu, Nepal these days? Load shedding has become our routine.

He is not a manufacture of generator. Neither is he a seller of generator.

He is a student studying masters in Tribhuwan University. His name is no important.

His exam is going on and he has to cram too much.

He manages a Chinese rechargeable lamp.

Blaring radio and tv of his neighbor disturb his study. It seems that his neighbour has no knowledge of what Mark Twain said, "Your freedom ends where my nose begins."

Who cares of others?

Radio and tv were the symbol of status in Kirtipur in 1980s. It seems that few still believe in this.


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